Why Egg Donation?



Your Net Worth on the Flesh Market!



Egg Donation: How It Works



Egg Donor Application Form






Calculate Your Net Worth on the Flesh Market!*

Thanks to the new bio- and repro- technologies, altruism is now practical! Complete this easy checklist to estimate how much you can benefit while Giving the Gift of Life.

First, check each box that corresponds to your genotype (genetic makeup) or phenotype (physical expression of your genotype + environmental influences). Then, add up the dollar amounts in each column that you have checked, to determine Your Net Worth on the Flesh Market! NOTE: If your genotype or phenotype corresponds to any of the qualities in Part 1 you are a Non-Reproductive Donor. You may still be eligible to 'Give the Gift of Life' by selling your reproductive organs, or selling your other bodily organs to science after brain death! Even more exciting, if you are a resident of a third world country, you are eligible while living to sell the extra member of any of your paired organs! See the list in Part 3 for Market Values of other common flesh commodities in the global medical industry.

1) Non-Reproductive Donor Category (check any that apply.)

I have a history of genetic or inheritable illness.
I am over 33.
I am not a normal woman.
I am in poor health.
I am an artist.
I am homosexual.**
NOTE: If you check any of these, complete Part 3 ONLY to determine your Net Worth as a Non-Reproductive Donor. If you do NOT circle any of these, complete Parts 2 and 3 and ADD the Subtotals of Parts 1 and 3 for your Total Net Worth on the Flesh Market!

2) Egg Donor Category

I am a female between the ages of 18 and 33.
ADD $2,500
I am a female between the ages of 18 and 25. ADD $500
I am of Northern European descent. ADD $1,000
I am of Asian, Jewish, or Southern European descent. ADD $500
I am of African, Latino, or First Nations descent. SUBTRACT $1,000
My eyesight is 20/20 or better. ADD $1,000
ADD $500
  I have graduated from or am now attending college.
I have a GPA above 3.0. ADD $1,000
I have an I.Q. above 120. ADD $1,000
I have an I.Q. above 140. ADD $4,000
I have no family history of depression. ADD $1,000
I was popular in high school. ADD $500
I excel in math and science. ADD $1,000
I excel in athletics. ADD $1,000
I like working more than most activities. ADD $500
I like shopping more than most activities. ADD $500
I live in an exclusive community. ADD $1,000
My net income or that of my parents is greater than $100,000. ADD $1,000
I have blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes ADD $1,500
I am considered stunningly attractive. ADD $5,000
  I am a supermodel. ADD $100,000

3) Flesh Market Values

ADD $0 - $2,000
  Eggs (3rd world donor)*** = Broker compensation: $5,000 per cycle for research and nuclear transfer procedures. Donor compensation: varies from $0 - $2000 per cycle depending on socioeconomic status of donor and buyer, & voluntary or involuntary nature of transaction.
Uterus, host (surrogate mother) = ADD $10,000+
Uterus, transplanted = ADD $25,000
Kidney (3rd world living donor, sold by broker to first world hospital for $20,000) Donor compensation= ADD $1,000
Liver (3rd world donor, sold to state hospital for $24,000) Donor compensation= ADD $1,000
ADD $1,000
Heart (3rd world donor, sold without donor's consent to first world hospital for $2,000 rand) Donor compensation=
Liver (3rd world donor, sold to private hospital for $100,000) Donor compensation= ADD $0
ADD $0
Liver (Donor executed in Chinese prison, sold by broker to first world hospital for $20,000. Donor compensation=
Corneas, pair (Donor executed on Hainan Island, sold by broker to first world hospital for $5,000) Donor compensation= ADD $0

Futures Market**** Advance Contract:

ADD $5,000
Kidney (1st world deceased donor, natural brain death) Advance Contract Designee Compensation (SEE FUTURES MARKET BELOW!)=
Liver SAME AS ABOVE,Designee compensation= ADD $5,000
Heart SAME AS ABOVE, Designee compensation= ADD $5,000
ADD $5,000
Skin, bone, bone marrow, cardiac valves, blood vessels, blood (deceased donor) prices vary considerably depending on geographical locale of donor and buyer, whether the donation is voluntary or not, and socioeconomic status of donor and buyer. First world designee =

If you have an estimated Flesh Market Net Worth of $5,000 or more in the Egg Donor Category (Part 2), you may be a highly desirable candidate for egg donation (sale).I f you have an estimated Flesh Market Net Worth of $10,000 or more in the Egg Donor Category, you are considered an "Exceptional Donor". Give the Gift of Life: help yourself and others by taking advantage of the wonders of Assisted Reproductive Technologies!


*Value is estimated value only and is non-binding on Express Choice, TAGC, or their subsidiaries.

**While the gametes of homosexuals are not in high demand on the flesh commodities market, non-traditional couples can still benefit from the new Assisted Reproductive Technologies as consumers! See TAGC's main site for more information!

***If you are a resident of a third world nation, you are encouraged to undergo sterilization by donating your eggs and/or uterus to a first world woman unable to conceive, in exchange for Food Aid or right to cultivate land. Or you may wish to donate your eggs for use in the exclusive fertility-inducing product Human CaviarTM!).

****COMING SOON: FUTURES MARKET IN CADAVERIC ORGANS! The American Medical Association is now considering Advance Contracts offered to the general public, which would provide a substantial sum ($5,000 has been suggested) to the deceased person's designee! LEARN MORE